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    You don't have to go abroad to enjoy quality, exotic cuisine. The chef, comes to you and your customers!

    Your customers are looking for excellent quality of high standards, why give them anything less!

    So if you want to change level by offering your guests the best culinary experience of their lives, then you will start from the kitchen!
    Investing in the right staff is the smartest move.
    We give you a plethora of the best and valued kitchen staff options for you and your business!
    We take care of the whole process, from candidate selections and arranging all appropriate permits to delivering the staff to your workplace.



    Over time, as people's lifestyles, needs and the way many products are produced change, many professions disappear or are replaced by others, which have to do with the modern way of life. Some of these are welders, butchers, bakers, as well as farmers, ranchers, maintenance and delivery staff. This is where our role begins. Contact us to ensure the appropriate qualified or unskilled staff, that will be able to meet your needs.


    With the intense pace of everyday life we live in, we cannot do everything we would like to do, either because of the demanding working hours or due to family obligations. Therefore every day many people need the support of a domestic worker, which is no longer considered a luxury but a necessity, effectively freeing time from essential daily obligations, such as cleaning the house, cooking, ironing clothes, etc.

    Caregivers, cleaners, and nannies also fall into this category.



    The hospitality industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. This has led to a sharp increase in employers' demands, as the relationship between host and client is the basis that will create first impressions and will be an important criterion for long-term good relations.

    The occupations that we provide are cooks/bakers, waiters/bartenders, baristas, chambermaids, receptionists, housemaids, farmers, agricultural workers, spa therapists, gardeners, bell boys, welders, programmers/IT staff, specialists staff and butchers.

    Our goal is to be able to ensure the most suitable staff, which will be able to meet your needs perfectly.



    With the aim of providing care for people who, due to their situation, require special care and attention, such as elderly people, people with disabilities as well as children, we are ready to offer you the solution by ensuring you get a fully qualified staff.